5 Ways to Get Back in Shape After Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just TWO days away! Can you believe how quickly time flies? It's no secret that the magical holiday consists of food, food, and more food. We're already reminiscing about stuffing our faces with turkey, casserole, cranberry sauce, mashed potato and many other dishes until our stomachs just "CAN'T STAND IT" anymore! But it's important to get back on track with healthy eating, and here are five ways you can get back on track after the Thanksgiving feast.

First Tip? Plenty of Water!

Sorry to break it to you, but you need to detox and stay hydrated after a few sips of your favorite alcoholic beverage! Don't go overboard with soda, juices, and sugary drinks but choose water between your meals. Water hydrates your body and flushes the body to eliminate toxins and high-fat, high-calorie Thanksgiving dishes. A good rule for drinking water is to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

The Key is Balance

Once you're on track, it will be easy to bounce back to your normal diet and lifestyle, so don't go nuts with calories! It's best to incorporate non-starchy vegetables like asparagus, cabbage, spinach, and mushrooms in your post-Thanksgiving meals. Don't forget to pair the vegetables with lean protein, a few healthy fats, and a small portion of slow-burning starch. Remember, we're cutting back on carbs but don't cut them out completely! They're good for you too.

"You Gotta Work it Out"

Our Queen Beyonce once said, "You gotta work it out." When it comes to keeping your body in shape, Bey doesn't miss the mark. Yes, fellas, this applies to you too *wink, wink*. After Thanksgiving, get that booty back in the gym to keep your metabolism going and to burn extra calories. Working out will make you feel more energized after a long day of massive eating so if you plan to shop on Black Friday, then this is much needed. Pssst... Don't forget to take advantage of our Black Friday Sale!

Keep it Interesting

Choose on-demand classes to keep your workouts alive after Thanksgiving. Try out some of our on-demand classes on the bike led by rockstar instructors and see what you like and what you want to do again. Trying new things will keep your body going, and it will add variety to your workout schedule so that you won't get bored of repetition. Best of all, you don't even have to leave your living room! Workout before or after dinner, when your family is asleep, the on-demand classes are there for you at any time of the day or night.

Track Your Progress

Finally, you need to track your progress to really see the difference during your fitness journey. You should keep a wellness journal on your smartphone or rely on our freebeat bike to keep track of your every move. The Performance Tracking System with the integration of the mobile app gives you instant feedback from our instructors and track your performance at every beat. Struggle with accountability? Share your dynamic moves on social media with your friends and family!
This Thanksgiving, the team at freebeat want to share our genuine appreciation with you. Without you, we would not be where we are today, and we’re so thankful for all of your support throughout the year. We hope you have a joyous and safe holiday!